- How do you compare fractions with like numerators? You can't compare fractions with like numerators.
- How do you compare fractions with like denominators? You can compare fractions with like denominators only if it is the same denominator and numerator.
- How do you compare fractions with different numerators and denominators? You can compare fractions with different numerators and denominators here let me show you 1/2 and 2/4 you know that halves are split into two pieces so if you take one half away you are left with one half and you also know that quarters are split into four pieces so if you take two quarters away you will have two quarters which is also known as a half. So that's why 1/2 and 2/4 is the same.
My Reflection
I think I did well on figuring on the instructions because I forgot to read the instructions Because I immediately clicked play. I think I didn't do well on using my time because I watch two videos that I already know about. My next to actually need to focus on my work.